Automated Housekeeping &
Vacation Rental Housekeeping Technology
Manage more properties with less cleaners
Vacation Rental Housekeeping Technology – put your turnover cleans on auto-pilot. Automate cleaning tasks linked to bookings and auto-assign cleaners to recurring tasks.

Automate Recurring Tasks
Save time on scheduling & focus on growth.
- Save time on scheduling & focus on growth
- Connect your PMS & sync bookings
- Schedule recurring tasks linked to bookings
- Simple tasks to complex task-lists
- Set up up once & put on auto pilot
- Guarantee property cleanliness for every guest
Task Assignment
Optimise your cleaning & maintenance resource
- Automate the assignment of staff to tasks
- Select from cost or time efficiency models
- Drag & drop staff roster for manual assignment
- Make no essential tasks claimable
- Drive more efficiency in your operations

Customisable Task Lists
Software to suit your cleaning teams.
- Set up complex task lists for any task
- Include imagery, guides & descriptions
- Track time spent on tasks or sub tasks
- Simple tasks generation for quick tasks
- Set up tasks to optimise effectively for your team
Property Clean Status
Gain overview of property clean status.
- Set up task(s) linked to property clean status
- Ability to link several tasks to a clean status
- Set up recurring Inspections post clean
- Live task updates in dashboard

In-Field Team Communication
Effective communication to your team
- Communicate with in-field team via email or In-App Notification
- Ensure your cleaning team never miss an assigned task
- Live feedback on in-field task status
- No more WhatsApp groups

Manage In-House & Outsourced Teams
Manage the information you send to your in-field teams.
- Enable information access levels depending on type of team member
- Outsourced teams can record parts & labor costs
- Offer more detailed task-lists to inexperienced or outsource teams
Property Damage Reporting
Simple issue reporting & auto generate tasks to fix any damage instantly.
- Empower in-field teams to report damages / issues
- Auto-generate tasks & assign resource instantly
- Utilise imagery for cleaning & maintenance teams
- Auto generate maintenance reports for owners

Vacation Rental Property Care
Automate housekeeping & maintenance tasks linked to bookings and auto-assign your in-field teams to tasks.
Put your operations on autopilot.
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